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Puna and Roosa


The Maritime Museum faces the sea, which inspires us to build and repair ships here. On our shores, a dugout made over 100 years ago sits side-by-side with a vessel built right here just over a decade ago. The grand Viking ship Aimar continues to gain experience at sea from year to year. A desire to head farther out into the waters motivated me to buy the motored sailboat Cumulus. A fisherman's sailboat built by Harri Sandström was repaired here, and is now docked and ready.

History of the museum's founding


Launch of the Edmund from the shipbuilding square below the lighthouse 
Source: Aarne Vaik's private collection

Kaevu Valgam memorial rock

The historic "Kaevu Valgam" shipbuilding square, which at one time was crucial to the village of Käsmu, was celebrated with the unveiling of a memorial rock on July 14, 2013. Here, the two-mast ships Toudar (1890/1892), Polaris (1899), Edmund (1900), and Adina (1901) were constructed. In 2010, the Viking ship Aimar was built here in order to revive the shipbuilding tradition in Käsmu. 

Viking Days

The Viking Days have been held on Vana-Jüri Cape in order to acquaint participants with the living conditions and everyday activities of ancient Estonians. Warriors dressed and armed as they once were reenact the battles and hand-to-hand fighting that took place on Estonian soil over a thousand years ago. Craftsmen and –women demonstrate ancient handicrafts, boat construction, and metalwork. All activities are, of course, accompanied by age-old Estonian songs and foods made the way they were when Vikings roamed these shores.

Viking ship "Aimar"

Foto: Toomas Tuul 2010
1893 report

Below is a report of revenues and expenses drafted by Toomas Eintrei in 1893. A list of all donations made for the construction and running of the lighthouse is recorded in the revenue column. Costs necessary for operating the structure are listed in the expenses column.

Lighthouse stamp

The Käsmu Lighthouse postage stamp was issued on September 13, 2012 to mark 120 years since the lighthouse was put into use. The stamp was designed by Roman Matkiewicz. A commemorative rubber stamp, envelope, and postcard were also designed for collectors.


Viewing Tower

Peeter Sirge's panorama of the viewing tower. To zoom, press the + and - keys.



​The left wing of the building once housed the office of the Maritime School director, and the director's wife often received guests on the balcony. Even now, it is possible for visitors to lounge on the balcony and drink coffee, or arrange club events and seminars. Theater performances have also been held in the space in summer.

Captain's Wife's Quarters

Art Room

Seafaring Room

Peeter Sirge's panoramic photo of the Seafaring Room. To zoom, press the + and - keys.

Fishing Room

As I am an ichthyologist by study, I have collected everything I can that has a connection to fishing. Visitors can view items ranging from a fishing-spear collection to sprat tins, with miscellaneous odds and ends associated with fishing and seal hunting in-between. I do not yet possess all the fishing tools that have been in use by Käsmu's fishermen, but I do, for example, have tools used for under-ice fishing. Rare items include a life preserver from a rescue boat, as well as consumer products that are over two hundred years old.

Tõnis Mägi-"Legendaarsed laulud"

Legendaarsed laulud
Tõnis Mägi

Karl Laanekask - kitarr
Margus Tammemägi - löökriistad
Kärt Johanson - vokaal, mandolin

Legendaarne Tõnis Mägi on vaieldamatult paljude eestlaste lemmikartist. Ehkki põhirõhk on vanadel ja legendaarsetel lauludel, ei jää puutumata ka uuema aja looming. Kindlasti kõlavad kontserdil "Leib jahtub", "Moonika", "Vana jõgi", "Igatsus", "Jäljed", "Metsas" ja palju muud! Nendel erilistel kontsertidel kuuleme Tõnis Mägi laulu ja loomingut kogu suuruses ja vägevuses.

Piletihind eelmüügist: 16 €, 15 € (pensionärid)


Found in the foyer are posters acquainting visitors with the history of the Republic of Estonia, and a selection of old nautical charts. A piece of original Estonian granite (breccia) that flew out of the Neugrund crater is also on display. One of the museum's most exciting exhibitions is the 17th-century "royal Swedish chair", upon which Swedish King Karl XII sat. Maritime signal flags, a navy rescue flag, and the stern flag of the Estonian warship Lennuk (donated by the Tähe family) have been put on display in the foyer as well.

Web camera
Webcamera donation 


The museum's main building (ca 400 m2) was built during the last years of the 19th century (about 1872) by Baron Dellingshausen, at the orders of Tsar Alexander III. The building is one of the few stone structures Käsmu, and was likely constructed using stones from the Käsmu Brick Factory. The building has a low roof: a full-grown man is unable to stand up straight in the attic, but mergansers have certainly found it to be a suitable nesting site. The building's outer walls are 70 cm thick with an empty gap in the middle.




Aarne Vaik Käsmu Meremuuseumist ootab kevadel lapsi Käsmu

Jälle on käes kevad. Kellel kevadised reisiplaanid tegematta siis Käsmu Meremuuseum ootab ka sel aastal lastegruppe külla.

Hooaja avame esmaspäeval 5. mail 2014. Aarne Vaigul on siis külas hea sõber Aleksei Turovski.

Kevadise programmid on Viikingiprogramm ja Kaptenite küla - Käsmu

Käsmu Meremuuseumi kevad 2014

Fotograaf Toomas Tuul pildistas üles suure osa muuseumi eksponaate. Paar pilti sellest fotosessioonist.

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