
Events are organized to enrich the museum's activities and serve as a reason for friends of the museum to get together.
"A wish to display ourselves as a proper museum motivated us to publish newsletters and organize conferences: we do in fact call them "village conferences", as even the dogs take part," said the late Anto Juske.
There have been a plethora of conferences over the years. The events have been extremely popular, with participants coming from Tallinn and even farther afield. Foreign presenters have also taken the stage.
Musical events are another great occasion at the museum. Several famous Estonian singers and pianists have performed here: Urmas and Siiri Sisask, Sven Kullerkupp and Erki Otsmann, among others. Roman Baskin staged a production of the Bernhard Shaw play Heartbreak House here during two summers. Now, the increasingly popular Viru Folk music festival is held in the village annually.
In addition, we host 3–4-hour children's events in spring, fall, winter, on Fastelavn, and other holidays.
We have organized at least one or two exhibitions each year on topics such as photography and painting. Previous exhibitions on smugglers and Käsmu summer vacationers have also been highly popular. According to our records, over 30 artists have summered in Käsmu, and every one of them recorded their stay in a work of art.
Photo exhibitions have also been organized in the Dellingshausen Chapel, and a permanent exhibition of Käsmu residents has now been set up there.